C.C. Chapman

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Life is busy. Life is blessed.

Busy, but blessed life There are so many different things going on in my world right now, that I haven't stopped to write about them in a while. If I ever needed proof that there are never enough days, hours or minutes to get everything I want to get done these past few weeks have reminded me.

While I plan on writing in depth about almost everything going on, I wanted to give a quick update as we end another month.

Yesterday, I got confirmation that I'll be teaching a marketing class this spring at Bentley University. While I've taught online courses in the past and will continue to do so, having an actual classroom and students I can interact directly with has always been a goal of mine. The fact that I get to do it where I went to college is icing on the cake.

I've been reminded how much we all learn by doing as I finish up the video project I've been working on for GORUCK. This was my first time doing a multi-camera, documentary style shoot and as I go through the editing process I'm making lots of notes on how to do it even better next time.

Speaking of GORUCK, tomorrow I'll be sharing in some good living as I take part in my first ever event with them by taking part in a GORUCK Light.

I've been rucking for months now and feeling good about it. Mother Nature wanted to make it extra special by giving us a cold and very wet Saturday in Boston. When you see a photo of me holding a patch, you'll know I survived.

Last week, I spoke at the AYA Summit and I can't wait to fully share my thoughts on the events. Know this, that  the level of strength, heart and amazingness that surrounded me for two days was something truly special.

Danai Gurira is about SO much more than killing zombies. Truly amazing woman. #AYASUMMIT

A photo posted by C.C. Chapman (@cc_chapman) on

A personal highlight of the summit was seeing Emily on the big screen as one of the new young ambassadors for the ONE Girls & Women initiative.

This week, I had the honor of speaking to the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group at the Naval War College in Rhode Island. It was the most challenge and inspiring three hour presentation I've ever given and I hope the Officers I talked with got as much out of it as I did.

Moments ago, a post I wrote for Vaccines Work went live. Please do me a favor and if you use Twitter click here to help spread the word on replenishing GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance.

On top of all that, I've got something big to announce next week that has been brewing in the background for quite some time and because I've been on the road or heads down getting things done I haven't had a chance to tell you all about it and I'm very eager to do so!

Life sure is busy, but every day I'm given another reminder of how blessed it is as well.

Happy Halloween to everyone and don't eat too much candy tonight.