C.C. Chapman

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Monkey Jug Weekend

This weekend has been completely wet. Not downpours, but a constant drip from the sky keeping everything wet. The grass is loving it so I won't complain too much and it's allowed us to focus on things inside the house. I spent a ton of time yesterday with an ax, sledgehammer and wedge trying to get rid of a stump in the back yard. It went pretty good but damn am I sore. Thankfully Laura came and helped because I couldn't even close my hand to dig out the loose parts and that is where she helped. We make a pretty damn good team. *grin*

The Monkey JugIf you click the picture you'll read a little story about this silly little monkey jug. It was a very fun filled moment yesterday.

Laura is working today so I'm going to have to get motivated to get stuff done around here. It's one of those days where she doesn't have a set end time which I always hate. Makes it impossible to plan anything so you end up planning nothing.

The itch for a new house is definitely on. Multiple reasons but I mainly want to just start fresh and a new house will do that for us. This house is going to take a huge step in the right direction towards selling this week. We have someone coming over painting and mulching. Plus we'll schedule the installation of the rugs. After those I think we are pretty much ready to rock. A scary/exciting thought all around.

Ok, my creative juices are in over drive today. I wonder if the kids will let me write or not.