C.C. Chapman

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Find Me at PodCamp Boston 2

I literally arrived a few minutes ago and checked into my hotel for PodCamp Boston 2.

C.C. Chapman

I took this picture as a point of reference for how you might see me this weekend since I'm a photo junkie and will be snapping shots left and right. All pictures I take this weekend will end up in my PodCamp Boston 2 Flickr Set. Not much there as I write this, but you can be sure it'll be filled in the coming days.

I will be Twittering, but if you really want to reach me be sure to drop a direct message or give me a call at 508-241-1062. I don't always answer my phone so try sending a text message instead as it might be the best option you've got.

I'll be handing out new business cards and postcards talking a bit about The Advance Guard and of course am happy to talk one-on-one about it. I won't be pimping too hard though. I'm here more for the socializing and meeting of people. So be sure to come up, say hello, give me your card and lets shoot the shit for a while. That is what events like this should and are all about to me. Meeting new people and seeing old friends!

Can't wait for the concert tonight and the kick off in the morning!