C.C. Chapman

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A Little of This, A Little of That

The cute woman doing the weather told me that today it is suppose to hit 70. Hard to argue with that! Of course I won't get to appreciate that much of it, but in spirit I will. My Walking ViewYesterday our treadmill arrived. We've wanted one for a while and when taxes didn't hurt as much as we thought they would we bought one. The house came with a room set up to be a gym since the last owners were fitness freaks so we figured we should do it. So now most mornings this will be my view after I drop the kids off.

I also recorded Episode #55 of Managing the Gray and pushed it out into the feed. I also noticed some nice new reviews in iTunes which was a cool surprise. Thank you!

Today is a planning day. Laying out plans for the coming months. Figuring out resources. Mapping out delivery dates. All that "fun" project management type of stuff. I know for sure my white board is going to get a work out too. Reminds me that I need to get a bigger one which I keep thinking about and then never do.

I'm taking part in a couple of different campaigns right now from BzzAgent that made for a perfect morning breakfast after my walk. Today that meant a glass of Tropicana Pure Orange Juice and my last bag of Back to Nature Trail Mix. I'm not much of an OJ guy and never have been, but I was given a coupon for a free bottle so I figured I'd try it. Tastes pretty good, but not sure I could tell the difference between it and any other kind of OJ and I certainly wouldn't pay the extra money for this brand in the future. The trail mix I love, but haven't been able to find it in any stores yet (they sent me a few packets to try), but I'm going to keep looking. It is a good mix and the little packets are personally a good size for me so I enjoy them. Since I haven't seen them in stores I don't know how much they cost and if they are worth it or not.

So, that is my day so far and ahead. Dean Gray just came up on shuffle. I haven't listened to this album in a long time. Time to turn off shuffle, crank it and dive into the next task.