C.C. Chapman

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Hitting the Road

I've gotten through most of the things I wanted to get done today, so that feels good. Tomorrow morning I'll be jumping on a plane for Pittsburgh and will be there for the rest of the week. Heading down for the New American Music Union that our client American Eagle Outfitters is putting on. It should be a good time for sure and if you are bummed for missing it, I can tell you that I know they are going to have a ton of video content up after the show.

Once I get back from Pittsburgh, I'm jumping another plane headed out to Vegas for The New Media Expo. Our client mDialog is going to be there and plus I've been every year so there is no way I could miss it. Speaking of mDialog, have you seen the latest episode of French Maid TV? Finally seeing that on screen brings a big smile to my face.

While on the road, I'm going to be doing some experimenting with Utterz.  For a long time it didn't fill any particular need for me, but over these next two weeks I see it as being very useful. It'll be the first time I'll be doing anything with cross posting and the such so if things get a little weird here I'll appologize now. But, being able to link and post audio and photos directly together is something that I'm really liking and they are the only service that makes it seamless.

Other then that everything is going really well. Spent a couple of hours in our new office space here in the Boston area. Even with that short of a time there I realized I NEED to bring in some stuff for the walls and such to make it feel like ours or I might go insane. Of course, I'll deal with that after I get back from all the road warrior stuff for the next couple of weeks.

I'll be Twittering and Flickring the whole time I'm out and about. Looking forward to seeing a lot of old friends and making new ones.