C.C. Chapman

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Millions of Little Tasks

Today has been the day of a million little tasks. Thankfully I pushed through most of them and can call it day. This morning the kids and I jumped in the truck and headed over to Outpost Farm to pick up our turkey. We had heard nothing but great stuff about this place so we decided to get our turkey there. You should have seen the production they had going on there. You can tell they've done this before.

Outpost Farm Pies

You walk in and have to check in first and confirm your phone number and then they go out back and get your turkey. While you are waiting in line they have these racks of freshly made pies. I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it smelled in there. While you are waiting they bring out your bird, you pay and then you are off. Quite the operation and I'm glad I had a chance to support a local company.

Today was a working day for The Advance Guard so I had plenty to do including a new business call that I just got off of. I love it when a call like that energizes me on multiple levels. I also had a couple of phone calls with people I hadn't talked to in a while which is always a nice change of pace.

The one task that I bet myself I wasn't going to get to was sending out a newsletter, but I got that done. I've been wanting to do it for a week now and finally said that I wasn't going to miss doing it and charged on through. Sign up if you want. I use it as a way to communicate out to everyone what is going on in my life. Not everyone reads blogs, but everyone uses e-mail so it works perfectly for that.

Also, hoping to get the holiday cards done earlier this year. Had this happy accident while taking them this year. I like a lot about it. No sneak peeks at the actual one until it comes out. Of course we haven't picked on yet either.

Holiday Card Outtake

It feels weird not to have a bunch of pies to cook tonight. That is how I always spend the night before Thanksgiving, but not this year as Laura's mom is bringing them all. I'm not going to know what to do with myself. *laugh*

I hope everyone has a festive and full Thanksgiving!