C.C. Chapman

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Podcamp Boston 4

This weekend people from around New England and beyond will gather at UMASS Boston Harborside Campus Center for Podcamp Boston 4. This year the organizers have taken a bit of a different approach in that they want discussions rather then presentations. I loved the idea and am involved in three of them currently on the schedule.

Podcamp BannerOf course one of the great things about any unconference like environment is some of the best discussions happen outside of the regular schedule so don't ever feel that you have to stick to it. There will be plenty of hallway magic going on for sure. But, for everything else be sure to consult the official guide.

As I went back and looked at my photo sets from PodCamp Boston 1, 2 & 3 - the thing I remembered the most was the people who attended. The old friends I got to spend time with, the new business prospects that I got to meet and the questions that newbies came ready to find the answers to. I LOVE that mix and I haven't found it anywhere else as powerful as at these conferences.

If this is your first time attending a conference like this, I can promise you that you'll find some of the friendliest and most helpful people around in attendance. Ask questions. Start discussions. If you are not getting what you want to get in a session then get up and go to another one. See someone you want to meet, then go over and say hello to them and see where it goes.

Every year someone tells me after the conference that they wished they got a chance to meet me but I always looked to busy to say hi to. That is NEVER the case. I'm just a social guy and it is rare you'll see me sitting off in a corner by myself. I love interacting and meeting people so always come up and say hello. That is how social media works.

Say hello and see where it goes....

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