C.C. Chapman

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Exciting Speaking Engagements This Month

Since I make part of my living as a speaker, I'm always hitting the road and jumping on stage in front of different crowds. Now, add the release of Content Rules and the book tour we are doing to support it and I'm going to be spending even more time on airplanes and meeting great people. December is usually a quiet month, but I've got three events I'm really psyched to be speaking at in the next two weeks.

MarketingProfs Content Marketing Crash Course Ann and I are kicking off this series of amazingly talented people teaching you how to use content. This Friday our webinar is free and everyone that registers for the whole course gets a free copy of our book in addition to all the lessons.

They've also set me up with an affiliate code that you can use to save $200 on the class. Just enter code CHAPMAN during check out or use this link to register and I'll make a few dollars and you'll save a whole bunch of them.

Social Media Breakfast Ottawa I've never been to Ottawa before and I can't think of a better way to spend my first time then over breakfast with a room full of people eager to learn.

The event is taking place on December 8th and there are still tickets available. Along with the coffee and the conversation, I'll also be signing books for everyone who attends. Get up early and come out and say hello while learning at the same time. Plus, I bet the time away from the office will be good for you and you can still make it in before lunch.

Portland State University's Digital Marketing Conference Once again I get to go to a city that I've never been to before and this time it is on the other side of the country.

After speaking to a class at Portland State University they asked me to give the opening keynote for their Digital Marketing Conference. How could I say no to that?

Don't tell anyone, but this is the first time I've actually given the opening keynote to a conference like this and I'm the perfect mix of excited and scared all rolled into one! Just look at the other speakers and you can see why I'm feeling this way. *grin*

There will be a book signing and some other events going on while I'm in town so check out the event's Facebook page for the latest.