C.C. Chapman

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I'm a Dad & Damn Proud of It

Crossing posting this on CC-Chapman.com and Digital Dads.

Earlier this week I gave a speech at the Boston 140 Conference about being proud to be a Dad. It is a talk that I'm very proud of and you can watch the entire eight minutes of it below. (Special thanks to Jeff Sass for filming it.)

I spoke from the heart about something that I'm really going to spend a lot of time on in the coming months and that is helping the marketplace realize that men are an important part of the equation that they've forgotten about for far to long. Dads are more active then ever and are buying products every day that no one seems to want to pay attention to.

For a long time I fought the term Daddy Blogger. I didn't like it because it seemed like such a silly small bucket to put people into. I create a lot of content about a lot of different topics and this felt so confining.

But, last weekend as I gathered with a dedicated group of like minded men in Atlanta I realized that I have no reason to hate the term because I can help define what the term means.

When someone currently uses the term they are most likely talking about a guy who creates content only about being a dad. But, I think it is much more then that. A Daddy Blogger could be anyone who is a dad and is creating content online. Sure, they might not focus completely on being a parent, but with most guys, talk of kids and the crazy things that come with being a parent will sneak in.

I want to see more guys stepping up and being proud of being a dad. I want to see brands realize that there is more to being a dad then only changing diapers and buying gadgets.

Brands need to work with someone who understands the parenting space and specifically knows how to work with dads. I want to be that guy and plan to do plenty of dad consulting with companies to develop smart and strategic campaigns that will reach their goals. As you can see in my talk, I'm very passionate about this and I've got the business sense and marketing experience to back it up.

I love that every single Mommy Blogger has helped pave the road ahead. They've worked really hard to raise awareness to the buying power of parents and I can remember years ago telling clients that moms online were a force to be reckoned with. I'm now here to have those same conversations about dads.

I'm a dad. I'm damn proud to be a dad.

I'm also a business man with many years of online experience and marketing expertise. I can't wait work with clients to talk to dads, get them engaged and talking about those clients and becoming advocates for those brands.

The road ahead looks great to me. Sure, it may look like the road less traveled to some, but those who know me, know that I love that path.

Get in touch and lets do some great things together. Dads, be proud of who you are. It is the coolest job in the world!