C.C. Chapman

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Moving On

Junction Ahead

Three years ago when I set out on my own and ended up launching a marketing agency with good friend Steve Coulson, I had no idea that I'd be here today writing this note. I've certainly been taking my own advice and following the road less traveled throughout my career, so why stop now? *grin*

It has been twelve months since The Advance Guard was acquired by Campfire and I'm writing this note to announce that I'm moving on to my next adventure at the end of this month.

I've enjoyed my time with Campfire and I'll remain on as a silent partner and look forward to all their future success.

We continue to do amazing work for a variety of clients (including one that will launch shortly and I can't wait for you to see), but I've decided to pursue new and exciting opportunities. I've learned a lot working with the team here and I know we'll be doing more great work together in the future.

So what will I be doing?

I've got some new things brewing that I'll talk about soon, but I can say that I'll be focusing on finishing and promoting my first book Content Rules, pursuing more speaking engagements and turning Digital Dads into the media property I always wanted it to be.

Finally, I'm available for specialist freelance jobs as they come in and am excited to work with agencies and brands who are truly ready to embrace change and take things to the next level.

I'm very excited about the road ahead and continuing to blaze my own path. It is the only way I know how to live and am surrounded by friends and family who support me fully.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you! I'm only an e-mail away.

If you want to know what I'm up to subscribe to my newsletter or connect on Facebook. That is where things will be shared first.