C.C. Chapman

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Technology Still Thrills Me

Ever since that first day in third grade when I saw a computer and discovered what one could do, I've been hooked. Every day I interact with a variety of gadgets, web sites, new tools and more technology then a lot of people. You'd think that I'd be use to it all and that I would rarely get the thrill from something new.

While it isn't ground breaking, last night I had one of those moments.

It was time to cook dinner and it was also time for an Aperture 3 Class being taught on creativeLive with Scott Bourne. I knew I couldn't watch the whole class and planned on purchasing it, but I still really wanted to check this out live. In the e-mail they sent out reminding about the class I noticed there was a link to watch on the iPhone/iPad. I had to try it.

CreativeLive & Pork Chops

What this picture shows is the class live streaming from the west coast onto the iPad on my back deck. Here I was sitting on the deck, grilling pork chops and mostly listening (I was too busy to watch) to someone teach a class on the other side of the country.

Live streaming is nothing new, but this was seamless, it was smooth, and I forgot that I wasn't watching a television. Ustream was providing me access to something that even a few months ago I couldn't fully experience. It is the combination of the screen size, the connectivity, mobility and quality that got me thrilled.

I want to be able to consume, create and connect with content no matter where I am. I don't care about what screen it is on as long as it is the screen I have access to at that moment.

It was one little moment, but it was a big one for me. Plus, the pork chops turned out awesome!