C.C. Chapman

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Preparing For The End

New year 2013 Once again we are approaching the end.

While some believe forever, I'm a bit more practical than that and have bought my 2013 calendar and await to hang it on my wall.

It is a time to finish up those goals you set for 2012, but perhaps more importantly it is time to start actively planning for the next twelve months.

In Amazing Things Will Happen: A Real-World Guide on Achieving Success and Happiness I talk about Chris Brogan's philosophy of choosing three words and walk through how to choose them. You can learn more in this video.

I've been scribbling down words all week as they come to me. I'll start looking for themes and narrowing them down shortly, but we all have to start somewhere.

There is nothing better when the stress of the holidays get to you, to go to a quiet place and escape for a bit. Bring your notebook with you and noodle on your plans for the year ahead. You can never achieve anything if you don't plan for it.

It doesn't matter if you only have nine or nineteen days left, today is the perfect day to start planning for next year.

Need a bigger nudge? Several good friends and even more smart people got together and created Kickstart the Year which looks to have more tactics, tips and advice on making 2013 a successful year than anyone would ever need. Check it out.