C.C. Chapman

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The Working Parent's Guide to Workshifting

I get hired to create all sorts of different things. My only rule is that I've got to be excited about any project I accept.

So when Citrix asked me if I'd be interested in writing an eBook for them about workshifting as a parent I jumped at the opportunity.

You can download a PDF of the book or view it as a slide show below.

I firmly believe that being able to workshift makes it easier to balance maintaining a happy family and a successful career. Every parent will get something out of this. I tried to not talk about only the technology, but more about the mindset and actions you must take to balance the two.

Thanks to the team at GoToMeeting for getting me involved in this. I had a blast on the project and look forward to more projects in the future.

Parents, once you've read it I'd love your feedback and additions that you think I may have forgotten.