C.C. Chapman

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Will Facebook Ever Fix Events?

FIXMEPLEASEFACEBOOK Facebook is the Internet for plenty of people these days. They are growing as I type this and people are sharing every little detail of their lives with the servers lurking under the blue and white covers.

They finally are going to start using some of this vast data to power their new search, but how about fixing some basic functionality while they are training the hamsters new tricks?

How about fixing events?

Moments ago, I got an invite for the Social Media Breakfast Houston event I'm speaking at in a few weeks.

I'm very excited about this and the organizers are using Facebook as the platform to tell the world about it.

My problem is when I click on Invite Friends I'm presented with the box above. With a bunch of clicks I can invite any of my friends to the event.

The problem is that I don't want to invite any and all of my friends, I only want to invite those in the Houston area. But, even though Facebook knows exactly where my friends live, you can't filter the friend list by city.

I've wanted this feature from the very moment I first used Facebook and this is one of the many reasons people hate them because we all get spammed by our friends for events we can't possibly attend.

Mark and the rest of the Facebook team. We all know you've got the data. We all know this is a SIMPLE thing to program and make a reality. Stop f**king around and make events useful finally please.

Thank you and to those in Houston, see you soon!