C.C. Chapman

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A Decade of Content Rules

We all have those moments that we look back and wonder how different our lives might be if we had made a different choice.

This week as Ann and I celebrate the 10th anniversary of our book Content Rules hitting shelves; I’ve been doing a lot of pondering.

Anyone who has seen me speak on stage over the past decade has heard me share the story about when Ann first called me to ask me to co-author the book with her; I said no. I didn’t know if I wanted to commit the needed time and effort to a book about a topic that I thought everyone should already understand.

Obviously, I was wrong.

If there is one thing I’ve learned over my life, what you believe is simple or mundane, others will find interest in it.

Where I believed that everyone knew how to create content for themselves and their businesses, it turns out that most didn’t (and still don’t) since few are willing to put in the time to learn the skills, develop the chops, and always be continuing to create, experiment and see what works.

One of my biggest goals in life was to write a book. The minute that became a reality, a whole new world opened to me.

I’ve spoken on stages of all sizes around the world to tens of thousands of people. I was flown to countries I never thought I’d have a chance to visit. Shared meals and drinks with the most fun variety of humans. Had the pleasure of working on some amazing projects and with inspiring organizations.

There have been some bumps along the road and more than a few bad decisions on my part. I’ve learned that the only one that always has your best interest in mind is yourself.

The words and guidance inside of Content Rules were always meant to stand the test of time. We got knocked in more than one review for not giving step-by-step instructions on using any tools. But, unlike most business books with a technology angle, we didn’t want ours to be out of date by the time the ink dried on the paper.

I’m proud that our book is used in classrooms around the world. Executives keep it on their bookshelves. It is still recommended when people ask for a book to help them do better with their digital marketing efforts. Every time I see a post mentioning the book, it makes me smile. It’ll never get old getting a thank you note out of the blue from a stranger who has just discovered it.

I keep copies of some of the translations of the book on display in my office at Wheaton. I keep them there to remind me of what I’ve accomplished and show others that while I may not have the same fancy pieces of paper that some do, I have my own dead trees that I’d rather have.

The tools will continue to evolve, but every time I flip open a copy of our book and see our friendly mascot Lugnut sharing their advice to follow our rules of content, it makes me smile. No matter what app, social network, or gadget you are using to create and share your story, you will only find success if you follow at least a few of what we laid out.

To everyone who has bought a copy, hired me to speak at your event, or showed support in various ways, I say THANK YOU!

My life and career were forever changed by those long nights and early mornings alone with my keyboard. If it wasn’t for Content Rules, I’m not sure there would have been an Amazing Things Will Happen. I don’t know if I would have done all that I’ve done or will do in the coming decades.

What does the next decade hold for me? More time as a creative educator, at least one more book, and a whole lot of adventures.