C.C. Chapman

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Posse 25: A New Challenge I'm Excited For

Ten years ago, I was invited to give a guest lecture to a marketing class at Bentley University. As an alum, it was a big deal for me to be asked back to the campus I loved. Leaving that day, I was eager to return to a classroom as soon as possible. 

An email expressing my desire to try teaching eventually led to an opportunity as an adjunct for several semesters at Bentley and then to a full-time teaching position at Wheaton College, where I recently celebrated my sixth anniversary.

While I love teaching, it is the relationships I build with students outside of the classroom that I genuinely love. I’ve found that I get the most rewards by serving as an advisor. I especially like working with first-year students to adapt and succeed in college. Many educators are not fond of this part of their jobs, but it is my favorite. A lot of this has to do with how, looking back, I realize how wrong I approached college and wish I had done it differently. 

During my first year at Wheaton, I met my first Posse Scholars, and since then, I’ve had the pleasure of teaching and advising many of them. Several have impacted my soul in ways I’ll never forget.

The Posse Foundation is an inspiring organization that “believes a small, diverse group of talented students—a Posse—carefully selected and trained, can serve as a catalyst for individual and community development.” Colleges nationwide choose these young leaders to attend their schools, and Wheaton has been a long-time supporter.

Wheaton College welcomes a Posse of ten new students who have earned this scholarship every fall. They are assigned a mentor who will stay with them through their four years of school. From talking to past mentors, I know how important this relationship becomes.

I’m honored to announce that I’ve been asked to be the mentor for Wheaton Posse 25!

In January, I snuck into NYC to attend the awards ceremony and meet our incoming students briefly. This is an emotional night where the families share their pride and words of encouragement. The weight of responsibility for each of these students instantly hit home. It was only more solidified when one of the student’s fathers shook my hand, looked deep into my eyes, and bluntly stated, “You will take care of my daughter, correct?” Yes, sir, I’m going to do everything possible. 

This is something I’ve been hoping to be asked to do. I know how hard it can be for students in new environments, and while I don’t know them yet, I’m already pondering what the years ahead will look like for them all. We only know each other through Instagram stories, but this summer, we’ll spend time together, and then there will be weekly meetings with each of them during school. 

It has been a lot of fun talking to past students and mentors about what to expect and to gather advice. Thankfully, I heard more than once that I should be myself because these students will need that. Hearing this from multiple graduated students reminds me I must be doing something right. 

My kids have joked that now I’m going to have ten more children, and while I know that isn’t exactly how this works, the family metaphor is one I’ve heard from everyone I talk to. This is more than only advising and support. It takes all that to another level, so I’m excited and nervous about this opportunity.

Posse 25, you don’t know me yet, but I promise I’ll be there for you. I tell my students now that my door is always open, and I’m only an email away. I’m excited to get to know you this summer and to see you on campus soon.