A Special Family Day

Yesterday was one of those days that I love to have. Where you get to do something extra special as a family and you really wonder if the kids "get it" or not, but you at least know you do.

The View

My grandmother was born in Corinth, Vermont and we spent a lot of time up there as a kid with my great-grandparents. It's totally cow country up there and away from the craziness of normal life. I have fond memories of picking blackberries on the mountainside, sledding down the hill in the winter and playing on my rock in the backyard. Tons of fond memories from those days.

My Kids on MY RockA couple of times we went down into the valley to this old house that was where my grandmother was born. It was always in ruins, but I always appreciated going down to it. So, when I found out my Dad had bought the land and the house I was completely excited. I knew he had wanted to do it for quite some time and knowing that one of his dreams happened made me happy.

Yesterday I took my family up there for the first time. We walked around in the field. Got chased by the guard cow from the adjoining property (she was behind a fence so not much chasing going on). The dogs had a blast running around. I got to take photos. It was a great day.

The kids had fun, but I know they didn't appreciate it to the level I did. I can understand that. They just had fun hanging out in the woods and spending time with their grandparents. That's cool with me. Hopefully when they are older they will appreciate it like I did. I can't wait until the old building is down and the new one (whatever that might be) is up and we can spend time there. That I am REALLY looking forward to!

We came home from our weekend last night. Today we have a ton of work to do around the house. I just had to get these photos up and this post written before I could focus on other stuff.

Attack Cow?

New Hampshire Weekend