On the Road Again

Quick trip down and back tomorrow to Virginia. I have to get out of the house earlier then usual because they are showing it today so I'm going to go straight into Logan ahead of time. This is good though because it means I can do my phone calls I have from inside the airport rather then on the road. Have I mentioned how much I HATE doing conference calls while driving? It just isn't safe and it's a pain in the ass for me personally. I wish I could make it to Coffee With Crayon today. It starts at 9 am EST and that is when I'll be jetting out of the house. We've got a ton of new crayonistas who will be there and it would be nice to be part of it. Plus, this is the second week in a row I haven't been there and I don't miss these things. Blargh. Life just gets int he way sometimes.

I realized this is my first real road trip since going Mac. I'm not that worried about it since things are up and going nicely. I'm officially hating how hot these things get. Everyone talks about it, but on a late summer night the last thing you want on your lap is a scorching hot laptop that is more then likely going to burn your balls before being productive. I got some great recommendations from people on Twitter about what sort of riser to buy. I'll let you know how I like the one I ordered once it gets here.

The other thing I've learned is that I prefer MS Outlook over Entourage. There are somethings in Entourage that I can't seem to do or that are not intuitive enough for me to figure out how to do. I use to be the Outlook master *laugh* and could work it to do all my bidding. Haven't figured out this new one yet, but I'll keep pushing and shoving. It's the one thing giving me a headache on the mac. Actually the only thing at the moment beside the oven on the bottom.

So, everything is good. I'm doing good. I'm sure I'll squeeze off a One Guy's Thoughts from the road. That was the point of buying the compact camera in the first place so how can I not?

Just realized the book that I ordered specifically to read on this trip didn't arrive in time. Damn....guess I'll just do the magazine and podcast route this flight. Nothing wrong with that!

As The Sun Rises

The Book Forward - One Guy's Thoughts #23