PodCamp Boston Memories

I kept hearing about this new service that would take your photos, take your music and magically make a slide show for you. I wasn't sure I believed it until I gave it a try and created this cool memory video from PodCamp Boston. I've got to say that Animoto is a slick service. They connected to Flickr and allowed me to pull photos. I uploaded a track from [munk] and then sat back for a few minutes while it created my video for me. I was amazed how the pictures actually synch to the music nicely. Some serious logic and analysis going on behind the scenes.

I hadn't been through those photos in a long time so a rush of memories came back. This years PodCamp Boston 2 is going to be even bigger and better and I know there will be twice as many photos and memories from that weekend! Have you registered yet? Did I mention it is free to register?

I'm really in the mood to be around friends today since I woke up to my flight to Chicago being canceled. I'm suppose to be out there just after lunchtime but now don't leave until tomorrow. Some pretty severe weather happening out there. I hope everyone I know gets in safely. SLCC will have to wait until tomorrow for me. At least I hope I get out there tomorrow.

Me and My Zoom H2

Busy Thursday Morning