Weekend Recap

A very nice extended weekend for us that we are back from. Saturday found us at a family reunion. That night I went to visit my grandmother who is not doing well at all. Pained me to see her like this and to drive it home again that "it is only a matter of time." I did also go to see my grandfathers headstone. It was strange to see that they laser etched a photo that I took on it. Weird isn't the right word. I'm proud that a photo I took will forever be preserved like that. It reminds me why I always take photos because you never know when it will be the last one you take of someone.

Then on Sunday we headed up to Portland, Maine to see Mitch Alden play at the Portland Lobster House. It was an afternoon in the sun with cold beers, tasty lobster rolls and lots of great music. He forgot we were coming up so it was a great surprise for him. We crashed for the night at a hotel and then today visited some family friends where I got to cook lunch and we ate on the porch in the shade. It was very relaxing and nice and VERY needed.

The kids are gone with my parents this week camping so Laura and I have the house to ourselves. Kind of funny that we are both sitting on different couches right now with our laptops going. We both have lots of work to do.

Thursday the packers will be here. Friday we close and move. I can't wait to be in the new house!!!


Bridge to Terabithia