May 27th Brain Slurpees

Bunch of random thoughts floating around the old gray matter and I wanted to get them out.

  • Evernote might be the coolest service that I've been looking for all my life, but never know that I needed.
  • Today I had a very good and a very bad experience with two brands that I really love and respect. I'm hoping the bad experience gets fixed as I have complete faith that it will.
  • There is all kinds of threats about massive storms coming through any minute now. It is still blue sky and nice out, but the wind and the humidity are giving off that thunder boomer vibe that we get in the north east.
  • I uploaded a couple of new/old videos today to my mDialog music video channel. The first is of Mitch Alden singing Down and the second is Matthew Ebel singing Drive Away.
  • Wondering if I need TripIt in my life when I already have Dopplr. I got an invite to check it out and will do so, but who knows. Anyone loving it and using it?
  • I ordered my first photo book using Aperture over the weekend. I'm dying to see what the quality is like and how it comes out. I was shocked how easy it was to assemble and customize. I hope it is as good as they say it is.
  • I've been itching to get a new computer desk, but have yet to find one that I like. I searched all the usual sites for reccomendations and came up with nothing. I want something good looking and functional. Preferable an L or corner unit because I have the space and want to be able to spread things out. I did love this post on CrunchGear today which gave me some ideas. I think my office will eternally be a work in progress as I continue on the quest for home office zen. *laugh*
  • A local pizza shop tonight is doing a special where 20% of all the sales go to a local school. This is a new idea for us and I'm curious if other places do this because it seems like such a great way for a local business to build up good will AND a school gets money which is always a great thing.
  • I still don't like the song, but the new music video for "Pork and Beans" from Weezer is pretty damn funny if you like watching YouTube videos. Features many familiar faces including the great guys from EepyBird!

I'm sure there is something else I wanted to drop out here, but it is a busy day and this is all I've got time for.

Bridge Building

A Great Weekend