Rambling From the Road

It has been a packed and busy past couple of days. Wednesday I took the train to New Jersey for a big presentation. Yesterday I was in New York City to spend some time in the office and to have a few meetings. Afterwards we had a great dinner at the Tribeca Hotel which is just down the street from our office. Nice place and great food if you are ever looking for a laid back place for a good meal. Get the Gingerbread Cake for dessert.Trust me on this!

As I write this I'm sitting at a gate in A Terminal of Newark Airport. We've got an afternoon packed of meetings in Pittsburgh and then I fly straight home to Boston from there. Three days of highly concentrated work, but good work.

Somehow as I woke up this morning I was able to get out a post on what I called The Death of Hannah Montana. I've had the thoughts bopping around in my head for a while so I'm glad I finally got them out.

Soccer, drama camp and hopefully getting together with an old friend this weekend once I get home.

I Always Thought Dick Cheney Was Darth Vader

New Jersey Bound Noodling