Manic Mommies Photo Shoot

I've met some great people over the years through Podcasting and two of the sweetest have to be Erin and Kristin from The Manic Mommies. While we only live a couple of towns apart, we are all so busy with our family, work  and other activities that we don't see each other as often as we'd like. They hired me to shoot some new photos for them and I jumped at the chance. It was a quick winter morning  here since we all had meetings and regular day things to get to so it was a bit rushed, but I wanted to share some of my favorite shots. I had to hold off on this post until they announced their Saturn sponsorship.

Manic Mommies Photo Shoot

Erin Kane

Manic Mommies - January 2009

Kristin Brandt

Manic Mommies - January 2009

Manic Mommies - January 2009

This last one might be my favorite of the day because I love the casual emotion of it all. If you click on it I put some more details about it right into the Flickr description.

I'll always remember this shoot as my first paying photography gig ever. Even though it lasted only 45 minutes I learned a lot about how to do it better next time. Isn't that what life is suppose to be about? Trying new things and always getting better at the ones you love?

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