My CNN Debut

I've been on the news before and in the papers. I don't care what anyone says it is always a cool feeling when it happens. So when I got the call from CNN asking if I could do a live interview tonight, how could I say no. The funny part is that I almost didn't answer it because it was a number I didn't know and the swearing in was beginning to happen.

FYI - If the video player doesn't work (it seems to be borking in some browsers) you can watch the interview here.

What was interesting about this was that the audio portion was done via the phone and the video via Skype. You'll notice I've got my headphones on and those were plugged into my iPhone so that I didn't have to hold the phone up to my face the whole time.

I'm psyched with how it came out. It was weird because the video online was about a solid minute and a half behind when we actually recorded it so it was trippy to watch the comments coming in on the page. Thanks to everyone who sat through the endless marching bands to watch this. Seeing all the comments and words of encouragement was very cool to see and I appreciated them more then you know.

If this is your first time at the site after seeing this on CNN, welcome and let me know what is on your mind.

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2008 - My Year in Photos

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