Looking for Innovation at CES

Looking for Innovation at CES

Next week I'm heading to Las Vegas to attend the 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES). It is a conference that I've always wanted to check out, but have never had a solid business reason to do so.

I'm excited to announce that I've been hired to be the Official Kenmore Blogger Correspondent on the show floor.  My assignment is to capture and share the innovative gadgets, people and companies I discover.I can already hear some of you saying, why in the world is Kenmore hiring someone to be a roving reporter, creating content about CES?

Earlier this year I was invited to a Kenmore blogger summit in Chicago. I was confused why a home appliance company would be doing something like this, but after the weekend I learned that Kenmore has a lot of innovation happening in their product line and this is the first year that CES is going to have a dedicated area to the digital home. Word is that CES attendees will enjoy cooking competitions between LeCordon Bleu chefs as they battle in a live kitchen and one in the Kenmore Live Studio back in Chicago.

Kenmore has really done a good job of making social media a core part of their online presence and are smartly using both Twitter and Facebook to their advantage. As I've gotten to know the team a bit better, I've been impressed that they are doing things right and I look forward to helping them continue do that by producing them a lot of content during CES.

If you are attending CES, I'll be there on Thursday and Friday with cameras in hand and would love to talk to you. Drop me an e-mail at cc.chapman@gmail.com and hopefully we can connect and I can share your story.

Create - Inspire - Teach

End of the Decade

End of the Decade