December Already?

December Already?


Isn't there a rumor going around that things slow down in December? I swear I've heard that before, but I don't believe it for one minute. *grin*

I just got home from having lunch with Christine Koh and Audrey McClelland. We've been trying to get together since summer, but we are all so busy it took until today to make it happen! If you are looking for smart, savvy and awesome women to get involved with on your next campaign or project you should call them. They are both the real deal.

LOTS going on here so I wanted to do a quick update.

My dad had minor surgery last week and this meant that I had to skip a cool event in San Diego to go home and help him recover. I was sad to miss the event as it hit several passions of mine and I had lined up an amazing interview for Passion Hit TV, but family always comes first and it was an easy decision to make. He is doing fine and thank you for all the well wishes. Hanging out with him is always better than any event anyways.

This morning I recorded a new Managing the Gray focusing on making 2012 a success. I'm listening back to it as I type this and I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Digital Dads was just named the #2 Group Dad Blog by the editors at While I'm not a huge fan of lists, it is always great to be recognized and I have to thank all of my great writers and contributors that make the site what it is.

Last night we recorded a new episode of Cast of Dads and as usual the whole gang was in rare form. Where else are you going to hear from five active dads and their opinions on everything from Movember, to two year olds going insane, to football?

Besides all that I'm busy working on the paperback edition of Content Rules that will be coming out next summer and I'm gearing up to go into full writing mode for my next book that will hit shelves in 2012 as well. Stay tuned for more details.

The Flinch - A Dangerous Read

The Flinch - A Dangerous Read

Dawn of the Dads in Boston Magazine

Dawn of the Dads in Boston Magazine