Busy Speaking Schedule

Busy Speaking Schedule


Keynote Speaker CC Chapman I've been doing a bunch of speaking lately.

The time away from home is never easy, but it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make in order to provide for my family. Plus, if I'm being honest, I love being on stage.

What is most exciting to me is the new audiences and inspiring locations I've been asked to speak in lately.

This week I took the stage at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Walking into that building and thinking about all who have been in there before me brought a big smile to my face. I wish I had been able to explore it more and learn more about it. But, this time giving the lunch keynote speech and then running out was all I had time for.

The photo above was taken as I was giving the closing keynote speech at the National Conference on Family Literacy. To be listed on the same bill with author James Patterson was a nice feather to stick in my cap. Plus, the audience was very receptive and watching the wait staff bring out stacks of my books at the end was a rewarding visual I won't soon forget.

As if that wasn't enough, I can't help but grin thinking back to showing my pride for the Boston Bruins on stage in Victoria, British Columbia as I picked on all the Leaf fans in the audience. Thankfully I didn't have to take it all back when they pulled off the miracle comeback in game seven!

Any speaker will tell you that it is an interesting time when you are trying out new material.

Lately, I've been speaking a lot about how to live an amazing life pulled from the pages of Amazing Things Will Happen. I've certainly grown more confident in it and it has evolved since I first gave it in Ann Arbor and Detroit. It wouldn't be half the speech it has become if Charlie Wollorg hadn't given me some solid feedback during those first two times.

The nice thing is that word is getting out from happy event organizers to other event planners. I've just booked a new event later this year, a new International city and close to my first 2014 engagement.

My friend Brad Powell and I even submitted a panel to SXSW Eco which if you are so keen, we'd love you to give a vote for.

Writing, speaking and teaching all make me happy and at the moment all of those are keeping me very busy.

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