Social Media Spring Cleaning

Social Media Spring Cleaning


Budding Dogwood While it may be snowing in parts of the country, for most of us spring has sprung and many an hour will be spent cleaning up our yards, homes and offices.

This is also the time of year that I always spend time cleaning out my feeds, friends and follows.

Here is my personal approach to social media spring cleaning. Hope it helps you.

  1. Get Rid of the Feeds You are Never Reading - We all have feeds in our readers that we hold on to and never read. The blogs are not going to disappear so if you want to read them again you can always find them. A few months back when I moved over to using Feedly I cleaned out over 100 feeds that I was not reading on a regular basis. It has made my reading much more enjoyable and less stressful.
  2. Prune Your Twitter Lists - I rely on private Twitter lists to make it manageable for me. If you use them, take a few minutes to go through and make sure that only the people you truly want in them are there. This goes for Facebook Lists as well.
  3. Tidy Up Your Profiles - With so many social media profiles out there, it is easy for them to get out of date. Be sure that the information on your main ones are up to date. With the professional changes in my life this past year I find myself with a lot of updating to do. This could also be the perfect time to refresh your avatar photo across the board. Never a bad idea to be consistant.
  4. Trash Tons of Newsletters - It is required that every newsletter that arrives to your inbox contains a link to unsubscribe. Use it! Stop getting those that you always click delete on or think you might get to at some point. If you are not reading them now, you won't be reading them in the future and if you change your mind it is easy enough to start getting them again.
  5. Make Your Front Lawn Beautiful - For most of us, our blog is our front lawn on the Internet. Be sure to click around and make sure everything is still working. You never know when an embedded video, an image or a link might go bad. Any links to networks that don't matter any more or graphic bling that is out of date? Get rid of it. Take the time to really make it look as good as possible.

Just like the work in your yard, this is grunt work that no one likes, but it has to be done.

Make it a bit more enjoyable by taking your laptop outside and doing it with a frosty beverage nearby and tunes cranking out of the stereo.

Happy spring!

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