You Can Never Forget Yourself

You Can Never Forget Yourself


CC Chapman Business Card A friend recently looked me in the eyes and rather firmly reminded me, "You can't save the world if you starve yourself."

She knew everything I've been working on has been helping and inspiring others, but she also knew that it wasn't bringing in much money and that I had to never lose sight of taking care of myself.

It may have been a single sentence over a drink in a Las Vegas casino, but it has stuck with me ever since.

Fast forward to to SXSW and Dave Grohl takes the stage to give the opening keynote for SXSW Music.

Nirvana is a vital part of my music DNA and the Foo Fighters blare out of my speakers on a regular basis. So of course I tuned in for the live stream of his talk.

What do these two things have to do with one another?

They both focused on the fact that you are in control of your life and you can never lose focus of what is important to you.

Dave's talk was so inspiring that I recorded an episode of Managing the Gray to share my thoughts with you. Give it a listen.

Tomorrow I head out to speak at my first Blissdom. To say I'm excited would be an understatement. What I have planned to take part in there certainly involves some focusing on myself. Wish me luck.

BlissDom Was Amazing

BlissDom Was Amazing

Want to Write a Book? Start By Writing a Book Proposal.

Want to Write a Book? Start By Writing a Book Proposal.