Simpler Satisfies Me

Simpler Satisfies Me

underwoodguestbook This weekend my dear friends Thomas and Laurie got married.

It was a beautiful celebration of their love and the smiles on their faces give me every hope that they will be a couple that will have a long life full of smiles and happiness.

The photo above is of their guest book. Instead of a pearly white, Hallmark bought, puffy book, they chose an approach I had not seen before. A good old fashion typewriter.

My wife and I giggled as we looked around the room and wondered if a majority of the crowd had ever actually loaded paper into one. Had ever felt the pushback a key gives until you give it just enough of a slap to make it do your bidding on the page. Would they be scared by any mistakes they made being shown on the page for all eternity?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much I'm loving a bit of a return to the old and more simpler.

It is why you'll find me writing in Field Notes and carrying a GORUCK or Saddleback Leather wherever I roam. It is why I'm looking forward to being on the road this summer with the family and not having a completed plan.

Next weekend, I'll find myself in Fargo, North Dakota for MisfitCon and it is the most excited I've been for a conference in a long time. The excitement comes from it being held in a small city that I've never been to. I know it won't be the usual hustle and bustle that comes from a conference and the simpler nature inspires me.

Technology excites me and empowers me to create, share and do things that matter around the globe. But, at the end of the day it is simpler things that satisfy my soul.

Lunch Break in the Woods

Lunch Break in the Woods

Samsung S5 - Hype or Habit Forming?

Samsung S5 - Hype or Habit Forming?