The Random Monday

The Random Monday

Christmas Family Today is always a weird day.

That random Monday just after Christmas and a few days before New Years.

The tree is still up, there is a piece of crumpled up wrapping paper in the corner of the living room and your fridge is full of left overs. Like I said, a weird day.

Dylan is at his driver's ed class. He is taking a sort of intensive during the holiday break. Emily is cleaning her room and cranking music. Laura is at work and I'm grinding away on a lot of little things.

Christmas was extra special this year as it was our turn to host her parents. Each year they go to one of their three kid's house for the holidays and this was our year.

Because my father-in-law was the one who bought me our La Caja China, Laura thought it would be fun to do a surprise pig roast. To make it even funnier, he gave me an awesome banner for our yearly pig roasts as a present. We pulled off the surprise and had a great gathering with the neighborhood.

My family also came down and my sister flew in from Maryland. It was perfect to have such a full house and to have our kid's grandparents all together since that rarely happens.

Emily wanted to hit up Target today to look at the scraps of Christmas decorations that are always on massive sale. It is amazing the deals she finds and then uses them in crafts.

I decided to get a jump start on my three words for next year and bought the materials to make a patch board to hang up in my office. One side effect of joining GORUCK Nation is the ever growing pile of morale patches. I figured it was time to put them up, rather than having them gather in a Misfit mug on my bookshelf. I'll be sure to share a photo when it is done and hung up.

Also, had the fun of getting the car inspected and lunch with Emily on our third try. We first tried our favorite dumpling restaurant that is sadly closed until spring. Then we tried a little Brazilian cafe that we've always wanted to try, but after sitting for 10 minutes and no one helping us we left. Third try found us at the Turtle Tavern where we had a nice lunch and conversation.

All in all a beautiful birthday and Christmas.

Still a weird day every year though.

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