Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride.

Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride.

BUY THE TICKET, TAKE THE RIDE. This post is a part of the Blogust '15 campaign. For every comment, like or share of this post, another child in need receives the vaccines they need to get a Shot@Life.

Inspiring my children to live their life to the fullest is something I strive for every single day.

But, life rarely goes as planned. The corporate ladder has fallen over, the promise of a tranquil retirement is a myth and what we love today might not exist tomorrow.

When asked to share an inspirational quote as part of this years Blogust team I wanted to chose one that was different than most and that I was sure no one else would pick.

I had a feeling other participants would choose great quotes from some of my favorites like Dr. Seuss, Teddy Roosevelt and Maya Angelou.

So, I decided to go in a whole new direction and go with one of my favorites from Hunter S. Thompson:

"Buy the ticket, take the ride."

That is how I want my children and everyone I meet to live their lives.

To realize that you have to roll with what you are given and no matter how hard or different that might be, you are on it so you might as well make the most of it.

We have a chance to change the ride that millions of children are on.

Where you are born shouldn't be the most important factor towards if you get to experience everything in life and this is what Shot@Life believes.


If you comment on or share this post another child in need gets vaccinated. It is that simple.

We are working towards a goal of 50,000 newly vaccinated children across the globe. I'm doing my part by writing this post and now it is your turn to help by commenting or sharing.

I know you are busy. I know you have other things going on. But, I know that you have a heart and can spare the 30 seconds it will take you to leave a comment to give another child a lifetime of opportunities.

Thank you to the entire Shot@Life Team for inviting me back to be part of this and thank you to each of you who I have faith will help save a child today with your comment.

Make it a great day.


During Shot@Life’s Blogust 2015—a month-long blog relay—some of North America’s most beloved online writers, photo and video bloggers and Shot@Life Champions will come together and share inspirational quotes for their children. Every time you comment on this post and other Blogust contributions, or share them via social media on this website, Shot@Life and the United Nations Foundation pages, one vaccine will be donated to a child around the world (up to 50,000).  

Sign up here for a daily email so you can quickly and easily comment and share every day during Blogust! For more information, visit or join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.

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