Fun Times and Financial Learning at The Topsfield Fair

Fun Times and Financial Learning at The Topsfield Fair

UFUND The Topsfield Fair is a New England tradition and one that after all these years I finally got to experience for myself.

Sadly, the day started off wet and cold and we were not sure if we’d be able to make it or not. Thankfully Mother Nature decided to cooperate and as Emily and I hit the road to the fair, the rain stopped and would stay away for the rest of the day.

Shortly after entering, we found ourselves at the U.Fund Dreams Tour tent.


The friendly staff were handing out cloud shaped whiteboards and answering questions about saving for college. There were fun filled games and interactive areas to keep the kids entertained while parents got the saving information they were looking for.


With our heads full of savings information, we sought to fill our bellies with the sort of crazy, fun food that you can only find at a fair.


Emily opted for a rootbeer float and I went for my first deep fried candy bar. Both left us smiling as we headed towards the barns to see the livestock exhibits.

We had a grand old time petting sheep, cows and goats. We giggled as we watched baby piglets pile into a sleep pile and awwwed at the newly born baby bunnies.


While, I’m not much of a garden guy I have to admit that the flower exhibits were breathtaking and made for a lot of fun with my camera.

There was a lot of walking, munching and good memories made.

Of course, as we left the fair my mind was filled with thoughts about college and paying for it.

Emily and I chatted a bit about school and what she is thinking of doing. She has a little while to think about it, but it is never too early to start those discussions.

The next day in a surprise twist of events, Dylan and I would attend his first college fair. Going from learning about saving options to direct discussions on tuition and financial aid options at colleges from all over the country certainly brought the U.Fund Dreams Tour goals to mind.

I wish something like this had been around when the kids were younger so that we would have been more educated on the options for saving for our children’s college costs. I truly hope that everyone who stopped by the booth takes what they learned and started taking actions when they got home.

Thank you to MEFA, Fidelity and the entire U.Fund Dreams Tour team for partnering with me to make this day a reality. It isn’t every weekend that you can have such a fun time and learn about saving for college at the same time!

Disclosure: I’m working with Fidelity Investments and MEFA to spread the word on the U.Fund Dreams Tour. All opinions are my own.

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