C.C. Chapman

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Attack Plans

Taking a true vacation while swimming in the new media pool can be a tough thing and I'm going to realize that next week when I'm in Nashville. This is family time. The kids are on vacation and we are going away. Sure there is a concert one night, but I did turn down a speaking opportunity while I was there which wasn't easy. I've let everyone know that I'm going to be gone, but at the same time I know I'm never totally disconnected (unless I'm in a canoe in the Boundary Waters *grin*) I just want to make sure everything is taken care of in the next 48 hours so that it's a smooth week. My work ethic really makes me worry about these sort of things.

I still haven't kicked this damn cold. It's MUCH better then it was when I was in Atlanta, but it's hanging around still. Mainly just a cough left, but enough to be annoying. Especially when recording.

I'm hoping to get to a new episode of Managing the Gray later tonight or more likely tomorrow. I've got a head full of ideas that I've got to dump into a podcast before the brain explodes.

Wow, blogging without much of a point. I guess that's where I'm at right now. Trying to formulate the attack plan for the next 48 hours. It's a never ending list.