C.C. Chapman

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Emily's First Head Shot

Earlier this year, my daughter Emily discovered the stage. She is a natural for it and instantly was put in with older kids because the teachers saw that she needed to do more then what her age was up to. While she still says she doesn't want to dance on stage, she has no problem belting out tunes and memorizing lines. One of the happiest moments in my life was seeing her on stage for the first time. Lots of people proabably don't know I grew up doing theater. My first role was as The Lorax in the play of the same name. I actually have a picture from this hanging in my office that my drama teacher gave me as a wedding gift.

While at Bentley, I became a member of Alpha Psi Omega which is the only co-ed dramatic fraternity. I did mainly crew in college, but still had some fun on stage with one of my favorites being in the role of Bottom in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Anyway, when Emily told me she needed a head shot for an audition she is going to do this week I was very excited to get out and take some shots. Out of all the shots I took this is the one she picked.

Emily Head Shot - November 2008

I love it, because it is a real Emily look complete with a simple smile. What you can't tell is that after all the posed pictures we took, this one was on the way back into the house when she stopped to check out a birch tree and smell a branch because she remembered Poppa telling her they sometimes smelled like mint. The light was just right and I asked her to turn and face me and I fired a couple of quick shots.

My little girl makes me proud ever day and I hope she continues to love the stage. I'll keep bringing flowers to every performance!

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