C.C. Chapman

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Looking Back at BostonNOW

While at PodCamp Boston 3, I was asked by John Wilpers to share my thoughts on being one of the bloggers that took part in BostonNOW when it was happening. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qxpqQiTrpw[/youtube]

For those of you who don't know, BostonNOW was a daily newspaper that allowed bloggers to write about anything they wanted and then they would take that content and put it into the printed edition of the newspaper. They also use to web cast their news meetings so that questions and story ideas could be given from anyone who had a web browser and wanted to participate.

It was a great idea that unfortunately had the financial backers decide to move onto other things. Too bad because I thought it had a lot of potential.

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