C.C. Chapman

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Find Me At SXSW

Yes, I will be at SXSW this year. It is my one can't miss event every year at this time. You truly can't understand the vibe until you've been there and experienced it for yourself. I want to meet you. I want to shake your hand, give you a hug and then talk about whatever it is that your passionate about. I want to talk to you about Campfire and how we can help your business do better. I want to meet parents and talk about Digital Dads, show them Emily Explains It and let them listen to Cast of Dads.

C.C. - March 10, 2010

I took this picture moments ago so you know what I look like and can keep an eye out for me. I'll be the big guy smiling and hugging people.

PLEASE come up and say hello. I hate hearing stories about "well you looked busy" or "I was too shy." If I look busy then it is possible I might be, but I've always got time for a hello. Just be respectful and if I'm in the middle of a conversation wait a moment and then say hello. Old fashion respect and manners go a long way with me (and most people).

I plan on doing plenty of checking in on Gowalla & Foursquare. I'm really open with friendship requests on 4sq, but not so much on Gowalla. My personal choice of how I've found both services useful.

If you are reading this AFTER meeting up, I'm an easy guy to find online. Feel free to drop me an e-mail, become a friend or fan on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. If I took your picture then you'll find it here and yes you can use it for your headshot, avatar or whatever so long as you give me attribution.

I'm excited for Austin. I don't plan on hitting most of the insanely insane parties, but I will be out and about. Can't wait to see you there.