C.C. Chapman

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Java Is My Homeboy

Hurricane Sandy is starting to show her anger outside. We are as prepared as we can be and we've got to keep ourselves busy somehow so I felt like writing. Hopefully I get to publish before the power goes out. :)

As I was sitting here watching the weather reports, social streams and wondering how bad things are going to get, the FedEx guy shows up. I hadn't ordered anything so I couldn't figure out what he was bringing.

I ran out in the rain to meet him and the box instantly made me smile.

There stamped in the upper right hand corner was the familiar logo for GORUCK.

You guys know how I've become good friends with the team there and anytime a box shows up from them I have to smile. But, when I opened it up I was filled with a mix of pride, amazement and down right warm fuzzies.

The photo above is one that I took of Java, the official dog of GORUCK when I met him in New York City earlier this year. I'm a dog lover and Java is a hell of a good dog. How could I not take a photo of him?

But, it seems the team at GORUCK also loved the photo. In fact, they loved it so much they made these Java Is My Homeboy t-shirts as shown by GORUCK Founder Jason.

Emily and Dylan almost stole the shirt instantly because it is so soft and since it comes from these guys you know it is going to be durable. You can order a shirt for yourself as well.

Knowing the kind of people who will be wearing this shirt adds to my pride in having my photo used on it. Thank you to whoever there came up with the idea for this and thank you for a shirt that I can wear myself.

And before I go, I have to give a huge congratulations to my friend Benjamin Strong on earning his GORUCK Tough patch over the weekend by completing this weekend's GORUCK Challenge in New York City. I'm proud of you!

To everyone out there being effected by the hurricane, please stay safe. Charge up everything you have, stock up on food and water and be smart.