C.C. Chapman

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Simplicity in a Bowl of Soup and a Magazine

simplicityofsoup The house is silent except for the slow passing by of cars trying hard not to slide on the freshly fallen snow.

Dylan is in the other room watching a video on the computer. His headphones don't allow any noise to leak.

Mondays are a night when we rarely eat together due to dance lessons, workouts and schedules that don't sync. These are also the nights that you'll find me cooking something in a single pot that can be enjoyed at different times by all who are hungry.

I sat down at the kitchen peninsula where you'll rarely find me.

The Chicken Corn Chowder was hot and of course I instantly burned the roof of my mouth. Too eager for that first taste of creamy heaven.

I ate the soup and read an article on Pope Francis in the new issue of Rolling Stone.

A Pope on the cover of Rolling Stone? Never thought I'd see that one.

The silence maintained, the soup was enjoyed and the article left me craving more.

With everything else going on, these few minutes of simplicity and satisfaction was just what my soul needed.