C.C. Chapman

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The Decision to Chop Wood

choppedwood If you were to look in the woods behind my house you'd see this in one little corner. It is the start of a wood pile that I made recently after chopping up some wood from a tree my father dropped the last time he was down here.

Last winter we noticed we were running low on wood, so he picked a tree that wasn't doing so well and sawed it down. He then proceeded to saw it into logs that were a good size for our fireplace and then left them for me to chop.

I thought about sharing this because if you look closely, you'll see that there is plenty left to chop. It was a tall tree, so there is plenty more that you can't see in the photo.

Chopping wood is a perfect therapy for me. It gets the heart pumping. You get a good workout of it and there is nothing sweeter than the snap when your ax goes through a piece of wood.

The reason there is still plenty to chop is that I wanted to save it. I wanted to savor my nature based therapy for a time when I needed it.

For that moment when I've had a long or rough day. When a glass of something strong or an hour of pixel based violence might call to me, but instead I can go out and with a swing of my ax take out all of the aggression while being productive.

Decisions like this make complete sense to me. They might seem like nonsense or random to others.

The key is that a decision was made. I trust my gut that it was the right one.

There are no cares for what others may think because it was the right decision because I was the only one who could make it.