The Quiet Days

The Quiet Days

Tea Time In a mere few days we will flip our calendars to a new year.

2014 promises to be an interesting one, but honestly would you want to live in a world where you wouldn't think that about the upcoming 365 days? The mere thought of how bad things would have to be for that sort of thought saddens me to my core.

These are the quiet days of the year for me and I love them.

The weather gets gray, the demands slow down and I can really spend more time just wandering and wondering.

I started my three word exercise the other night and am slowly narrowing them down. It always amazes me how as soon as I start writing them down, they keep popping up in my head until I decide.

Yesterday, we spent a beautiful Christmas together as a family. We did our presents in the morning, followed by Peking Duck at a local restaurant and ended it with going to the movies to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It was a perfect holiday together.

The house is quiet now as Emily still sleeps, Dylan is attached to the new Xbox One and Laura is at work. Myself, I'm embracing the quiet with a cup of strong coffee and watching the snow flakes fall outside my office window.

I watch as the same old same old chugs along online. The social sheep feel compelled to share their lists and fear stepping away to live rather than click.

To each their own of course, but the choices made are always interesting.

Are you taking some time to embrace the quiet days and recharge for the new year?

In 2014 I know there is going to be a lot of work. I've got tons of writing and photography planned. Building and growing YSN will be a daunting task, but I'm up for it. There will be roadblocks and curveballs that I won't be ready for, but we'll deal with them when we have to.

Too many people can't be quiet. They can't be bored. They don't allow themselves to idle well and just be in the moment.

That is why I love the quiet days. I love these moments of nothing because they recharge my soul and feed my mind.

Outside, Victories and Sharpen - My Three Words For 2014

Outside, Victories and Sharpen - My Three Words For 2014

Year End Mini Reviews

Year End Mini Reviews