Friday? What? When Did That Happen?

When did it become Friday? No one told me. I totally forgot till I saw the neighbor bringing his trash cans up the driveway and then a quick check of the calendar confirmed it for me. Couple of things to check out today:

  • A great holiday gift guide put together by Chris Penn. All free things that you can give to others and to yourself. Worth the time to go through it.
  • Recorded and published Managing the Gray #46 this morning talking about Facebook and the passion of listeners. I'm also giving away a few Seesmic invites that I got on the show.

Those were really the two points that I wanted to make this morning.

Really not dealing well with figuring out that it is Friday. That means Laura's holiday party is tonight and that this weekend we have to get the dining room painted. Wow, this week completely evaporated without me realizing it.

Verizon Voyager Unboxing

A Full Day in Pittsburgh