C.C. Chapman

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Ronnie Wood Autobiography

I'm a sucker for pretty much any book on the music industry. Especially when it is filled with tales from the wild and crazy days of Rock N' Roll. ronnie_book.jpgSo when St. Martin's Press became a client of mine and they asked if I was interested in helping with their upcoming Ronnie: The Autobiography how could I say no?

I'm not the biggest of Rolling Stone fans, but since this guy has also played with The Faces, Rod Stewart and The Birds I'm thinking he has got to have some pretty good stories on tap. I've got a copy coming that I'm looking forward to reading. I'll let you know how it is.

I was happy to find when I got involved that there was a Ronnie MySpace page and an official website. Lately I'm finding this more and more which is good. People are playing in the space and figuring out different ways to try out social media. Hopefully more companies will get people like myself involved earlier so that formal strategies can be put in place. It's a lot of fun working with a publisher and finding out how this world works. it is new to me so I'm learning a bunch. Good fun and a good client.

There is a landing page for the book on St. Martin's site if you want to give it a look. If you read the book be sure to let me know what you think.

The book hits shelves on October 30, 2007 and should be available wherever you buy books. I know I've seen it for pre-order on all of the major online book stores.