C.C. Chapman

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Traveling & Twitter

I don't know how people do this return home from one trip and go right out on another one. It is certainly not something I enjoy doing, but here I am doing it. Got back last night to a snow storm and am heading out this morning in the sunshine. I'm on my way to Toronto to speak at an AIMS Canada breakfast on Second Life tomorrow. Will be great to see some old friends and make some new. I know there are 22 people reserved for dinner tonight so that should make for a good time.

Twitter continues to grow and explode in interesting ways. Twittervision is an addictive mash-up with Google Maps and Twitterholic made me laugh out loud. So many silly things happening. Slowly productive ones are coming too.

And if you still don't know what Twitter is swing by http://twitter.com/cc_chapman  and you'll get the idea. Tidbits of life served up on the web and SMS. Fun and it keeps me connected with people I want to. That's why I like it.

Off to the airport I go. Boston traffic! Oh joy....