C.C. Chapman

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2009 In Pictures

I don't go anywhere without a camera these days. Sometimes it is my Canon 50D and sometimes it is just my iPhone. But, the point is that I'm always capturing moments that grab my eye and I love sharing them with you. My Flickr feed might be filled with photos from the latest event I'm speaking at, my family or something on the street that my lens focuses on. Here is my 2009 in Pictures. [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/8472974[/vimeo]

The music is from the super talented Laura Clapp and if you don't own her music you should buy some because it is beyond amazing.

Lots of memories in this slide show. New friends and old. Special moments. Great times.

I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for me and the people I love.