C.C. Chapman

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Jump on the Moments

I'm still smiling this morning from a last minute visit from my good friend J.C. Hutchins last night. I was looking through Google+ when I saw an update from him saying he was on a plane to Rhode Island. That is a lot closer to me then his usual Denver so I dropped him a note asking what was up and what his schedule was like.

A few text messages later and there in my neighbor's driveway is Hutch (hard to see house numbers at night from the street) and soon he was in my office being introduced to the family.

We hung out. We caught up. We talked a lot about the publishing industry, our careers and mutual friends. He got to meet my family and play with Roxie. Over nachos at a local restaurant we continued the conversations. There was no agenda, no time limit. Only quality time between friends who don't get to see each other very often.

This is what friendships are all about. The little moments that you can't plan for and you never forget. The conversations that don't have a purpose or goal. When all shields are dropped, phones put away and you are completely in the moment.

Friendships are beautiful things that I worry not enough people appreciate them in today's always connected world.

Never miss jumping on any moment that may allow you to spend time with someone you care about.