Inspired by Aaron James Draplin

Inspired by Aaron James Draplin


draplin I keep a pretty long watch later list on Vimeo and YouTube.

It is filled with a variety of long form videos that I want to watch only when there is time to fully focus on them and not be distracted. They can be watched kicked back on my couch or late at night at my desk.

Last night, I finally got to watch a Portland CreativeMornings talk from Aaron James Draplin and I've been thinking about it ever since.

Set aside an hour and watch this.

Don't listen to it in the background or be tweeting while you watch it. Take the brain cycles to focus on what he is saying and take it all to heart.

If none of his fifty rules hit home for you, I'm not sure you are human.

Once Again, The Travel Begins

Once Again, The Travel Begins

Words of the Author

Words of the Author