C.C. Chapman

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Days of Giving - Fisher House Foundation

fisherhouse-homepage Sadly, our country doesn't treat those who fight wars for us very well.

All it takes is one look at the number of veteran focused charities to know that they exist to fill the gap left by our own government.

fisherhouseI'm blessed to have friends and family who have donned the uniform to protect our country and even wanted to wear one myself, but couldn't.

For years, Laura and I have donated to the Fisher House Foundation.

They build houses next to VA hospitals where family members can stay for free while their loved ones are receiving the care they need.

There is at least one Fisher House at every major military medical center. Since 1990 they've served more than 250,000 families with over 5.5 million days of lodging. This has saved those families an estimated $282 million in lodging and transportation costs.

By law, there is no charge for any family to stay at a Fisher House operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs; and Fisher House Foundation uses donations to reimburse the individual Fisher Houses operated by the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

No family pays to stay at any Fisher House!

I had the pleasure of visiting Fisher House Boston in the past and got to see first hand how beautiful the accommodations are. I still hope to bring the family back to volunteer and cook a meal for those staying there.

Your donations go towards helping them maintain current houses, build new ones and make sure that veterans from all wars are surrounded by those they love when going through a hospital stay.

If you are a frequent flyer, please consider donating miles to help fly family members and veterans to treatment.

They also do a lot of other work beyond just the houses and if you are a veteran be sure to look at their get help section to see how they may serve you.

To all the women and men who serve our country as soldiers, I say thank you.

I'm glad that organizations like the Fisher House Foundation exist to help during any time you need it in your life.