C.C. Chapman

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Winding Up the Trip

Being virtual is fun. Having a company around the globe with people in different parts of the world is fun. But, getting together face-to-face, sharing a drink, sharing emotional conversations and big thinking is even more fun. For the past two days crayon has been together. We are evolving, changing and looking to the future and that excites me. A lot of good conversations about a lot of different topics filled this time in NYC and it was well worth it. A bunch of us were in Atlanta last week at Coke. A bunch leave this morning for another client. I get to check out the new offices this morning. It's fluid and dynamic like it should be.

I'm eager to get home. I'm not a road warrior quite yet. I think better when at my desk at home. When surrounded by my family and with Roxie nudging me for attention every so often. That's where I thrive and I can't wait to be back there later tonight.

I've got a breakfast meeting today that I get to walk to which excites me. The camera always in my hand. *grin* Best part is that I get to check off another someone that I only know as an avatar this morning.