C.C. Chapman

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Today is a Good Day

Not that yesterday wasn't or that later this week will be particularly bad, but I like to focus on the moment sometimes and thus this morning I say today is going to be a good day. Yesterday my buddy Laura Fitton (aka @Pistachio) came over because she was in my neck of the woods and we had a great chat about a lot of things. Nothing like brewing a pot of fresh coffee and just sitting in the living room getting to know someone better and talking about the industry we both work in. Found out we share some of the same thoughts, fears and wonders about it all. It always feels good to know that and for some reason it really focused my mind on things.

Today is a day we've been working towards on some projects. The Advance Guard is doing well and rolling along. Steve, Tom and I are certainly putting in the hours to make things work, but that is what this is all about when you start up a business and want to do it right. January 22nd has been a date we've been working towards for a little while. I first put it on my calendar before the holidays so to see the date come up on the calendar reminds me how fast time flies when you are having fun.

Hoping to record a Managing the Gray this morning, but we'll see if that actually happens. I need to do a brain dump about a lot of things and I wrote down some notes (if you can call them that) last night.

What else is going on? Hmm....I signed up to be an author for Age of Conversation 2. I missed it last time around and wanted to be sure not to this time. I started reading A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas by Chuck Klosterman just shy of midnight last night because I couldn't sleep and wanted to read a non business book. Plus his writing cracks me up and always gets the mind going. This weekend is Dylan's birthday party and Matthew Ebel is going to come over for dinner. I'm still playing with my Nokia N810 (sponsor) and figuring out how it fits into my world. Right now it is mainly a note taker, pass the time gaming and portable IM client more then anything for me. But, I'm carrying it every where to see where else it might fit in.

Wow, this took forever to write. Even went and dropped the kids off at school in the middle of it. Time to go make today what I want it to be. That feels good.